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Tofu and Health
Amino Acids


Preventing intestinal cancer with gOkarah, rich in dietary fiber.

gOkarah is the lees by-product of the tofu production process that remains when soy milk is made. Okara, known by various other names such as gYukibanah, gU-no-hanah and gKirazuh, has been a feature of the Japanese dinner table since ancient times.
hYukibanah is derived from the Chinese word for gSnow-flowerh (Xuehua). The name gU-no-hanah is taken from the Deutzia plant because the whiteness of okara is similar to that of the Deutzia flower that blooms in the early summer. gKirazuh is taken from the Japanese terms which literally means gNo cuttingh, since knives are not necessary when preparing okara.

Okara Nutrient Values
(From the 5th Revised Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan)
Energy 111kcal
Protein 6.1‚‡
Fat 3.6g
Carbohydrate 13.8‚‡
Sodium 5‡r
Potassium 350‡r
Calcium 81‡r
Magnesium 40‡r
Phosphorus 99‡r
Iron 1.3‡r
Zinc 0.6‡r
Copper 0.14‡r
Vitamin E 0.7‡r
Vitamin K 8ƒÊg
Vitamin B1 0.11‡r
Vitamin B2 0.03‡r
Folic acid 14ƒÊg
Cholesterol 0
Dietary fiber 11.5g
iper 100gj

Nutritional value of okara

Although okara is the lees by-product of soy milk production, it is attracting significant attention among health foods due to its high dietary fiber and calcium content, and abundance in protein, carbohydrates and potassium.

Above all, the most significant attribute is the high dietary fiber content. 100g of okara contains 11.5g of fiber, about twice that of ggoboh (burdock root). The dietary fiber in okara is cellulose which is not water soluble. This cellulose fiber aids the workings of the intestinal tract helping to relieve constipation and clear residual matter, which can in turn assist in the prevention of intestinal cancer.

Moreover, okara retains a high proportion of the calcium in soybeans and about 40% of boiled soybean protein. Okara is also rich in carbohydrate and potassium levels. This soybean carbohydrate also contributes greatly to intestinal health. The abundant oligosaccharides contained in soybean carbohydrates nourish the friendly bacteria in the gut.

However, the greatest appeal of okara is its low cost and low calorie count. Recently, okara has come to be used as an ingredient in cookies, cakes, and other confectionery, as well as in traditional side dishes. Its low calorie profile makes it an ideal diet food.

Regarding the Tables of Food Composition

Two types of okara (traditional production/new production) are represented in the Tables of Food Composition. gOkarah is a by-product of the soy milk production process, created when the raw soy bean soup ggoh is strained. It is highly water retentive and difficult to strain, and with traditional production techniques, okara retains about 80-83% water.
In recent years, developments in soy milk separation equipment have progressed. Production processes using the gscrew-pressh and grotating drumh methods are now widely used, and the water content of okara can now be brought down to about 76%. gNew productionh refers to okara made using these new methods. The above table shows the composition of gNew productionh okara.

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